Ham Steak Stew
First brine the ham steak in the salt water. Dissolve salt in water. Place ham steak in an oblong dish. Pour salt water over steak until covered. Add chopped garlic over top. Let that sit from 1 hour to overnight depending how much time you have and how much salt flavor you want in your meat.

Ham Steak and Navy Bean Soup
Fresh Ham Steak from our pastured/woods-raised pigs, seared with Teeny Tiny Spice Co’s Perfection Rub blend, combined with sauteed onions, carrots, celery, and garlic with Thyme, Paprika, Salt, and Pepper. Added dried Navy Beans and cooked all with homemade Chicken Bone Broth, finished with a few handfuls of fresh Arugula, garnished with chopped fresh Parsley.

Lamb Sausage Chili With Chocolate & Salsa
I made this in my pressure cooker because I never got around to soaking my beans. To make this recipe the traditional way, just soak the beans the night before or early the morning you want to make the chili. Drain and rinse, then cook until tender. Of course, you can take the really fast route and use canned beans; and there’s no shame in that!