Green Heart Farm — Registered Vermont Icelandic Sheep

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Ham Steak and Navy Bean Soup

Fresh Ham Steak from our pastured/woods-raised pigs (see below for more info!), seared with Teeny Tiny Spice Co’s Perfection Rub blend, combined with sauteed onions, carrots, celery, and garlic with Thyme, Paprika, Salt, and Pepper.

Added dried Navy Beans and cooked all with homemade Chicken Bone Broth, finished with a few handfuls of fresh Arugula, garnished with chopped fresh Parsley.

Perfect comfort food!

*The nights are getting cooler and harvest is upon us. You can enjoy this recipe with our pastured and woods-raised pork by reserving your whole or half pork share now for delivery in mid January 2022. We source Vermont-born certified organic piglets and holistically raise them with locally sourced certified organic pig feed while rotating them on pasture and wooded terrain where they enjoy plenty of green vegetation, roots, grubs, constant fresh air, as well as freedom to root and explore to their heart’s content.  Our pastured pork is not officially certified organic, however, our pigs are raised using beyond organic practices with respect, love, and care.  Your pork shares will be 100% chemical free as we do not use conventional dewormers or antibiotics when raising our pigs.